Custom messages on email receipts and reminders

You can configure default email communication messages as custom content that you would like to have included on all outgoing email receipts and reminders. This can serve as a way to inform your attendees about important general information, like cancellation policy, legal clauses, materials needed for your events, and so on as part of the automated emails sent to attendees. Instead of needing to attach such documents to the emails, you can link to any external file you need, as long as it is hosted somewhere online, like your website or a cloud storage service.

You can also configure a custom message for each event separately by overriding the account-wide default message if you need to share some specific information about a particular event. This can include notifying your attendees about important reminders and instructions.

Configure custom default messages for the entire account

To configure a default custom message on an account-wide level, follow these steps:
Go to the account Settings, then select Configurations, and then you can either select Email Messages from the left-side menu or Manage default Email Communication Messages from the center area.
You will now be presented with custom message boxes for several types of automated emails that the system sends. Fill out any of the ones that you need and aim to keep the messages as short as possible. Leave the boxes blank for any emails that don't require a custom message. 

You can use the rich-text Editor or use HTML in Code view to add some formatting to your content. You may even include links to external resources or downloads on the Internet. This is a great option if you need to link to a waiver form or similar documents, or if you would like to reference an article or video that attendees should read or watch before attending any of your events.
When you have finished with this configuration area, scroll down to  Save email messages.

Configure custom messages for a specific event

To configure a custom email message associated with a specific event, follow these steps:

Go to Step 5 – Filters & Settings when you are creating or editing the event that you want to include a custom email message.
Check the box Include custom email communication messages in emails sent related to this event if it is not already.
Choose the type of automated email to override, then select Override. This will open a box for you to fill in with the text of your custom message to use instead of the default message set on the account globally. Note that the message will only be used if it is applicable to that event.
When you have finished this configuration,  Save & Exit.
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