Including terms, policies, and waivers on registration forms

If your event registration process requires that your attendees read, acknowledge, or fill out a special form, like a wavier, policy, or any terms, you can enable this on registration forms with Corsizio.

How to include waivers on registration forms

To achieve this requirement, you will need to use Corsizio's custom fields feature. You can configure custom form fields to be required, as opposed to optional, for your attendees to fill out, and be account-wide to show up on all event registration forms or only be event-specific.

Account-Wide Custom Form Fields

To enable this feature for all events, follow these steps:
Go to the account Settings, then select Configurations, and then Custom Fields from the left side menu. This will provide you with the Global Registration Form Custom Fields.
Under Custom Fields & Headings, select Add a new field. This will open up a section for you to create and configure a new custom form field.
Configure this new custom field, as follows.
  • For the Field Label, fill in something like "Terms & Conditions" or "Activity Waiver".
  • For the Field Type, select Multi-choice selection (checkboxes) from the dropdown menu, which will provide a checkbox on the registration form.
  • For the Field Size, select Full width - 100% from the dropdown menu, which will best display this section on the registration form.
  • For Other Flags, check the box "Required" to enforce the acceptance of the policy or waiver before proceeding to submit the registration.
  • For Selection Choices, enter a single choice with a label for your attendees to check, such as "I agree" or "I have read the Terms & Conditions."
  • For the Help Text, enter a short description, which would normally include one or more links to the document(s) that you need your attendees to read and acknowledge. This field takes basic markdown formatting, which must be used in order for a link to render properly.
    For example, to inject a hyperlink with the label "read terms", you format the text like so:

    [read terms](

    Important note: There must not be any spaces between the first set of brackets [...] and the second set of brackets (...) to create a valid link in Markdown.

Note: You must host your document (terms, policy, or waiver) somewhere online with a link. This can be a page on your website or a public file on Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.
When you have finished with this section Save custom fields.

Event-Specific Custom Form Fields

To enable this feature for a specific event, follow these steps:

Go to Step 4 - Custom Form Fields when you are creating or editing the event that you need to provide this feature for.
Turn on  "Include additional custom form fields on the registration form" to enable this feature and select "Use a customized list of form fields specific to this event."
Select "Add a new form field" and follow the instructions provided in step 3 in the account-wide section above. 
When you have finished configuring this step, Save & Exit, or proceed to the next step.

How terms, policy, and waiver checkboxes are displayed publicly

When you configure and enable this feature for your event(s), it will be shown to your customers on the registration form under Additional Information, along with any other headings and custom fields, as follows:

Simple terms and waivers without externally-hosted documents

If your terms, policy, or waiver is very short and you do not need to link to any long or externally-hosted documents, then you can use the custom form fields to create a small section of such information directly on the registration form. Here is an example of what that can look like:

NOTE: For the best user experience, readability on all devices, and ease of registration, keep your registration forms as short as possible. Long registration forms with lots of text and sections to fill out are not user friendly and will impede the user's registration experience.

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