Cloning single or bulk events

If you offer the same or similar events on a regular, or ongoing basis, you can use the clone feature for quick and easy replication of your events. This will save you time and make your event creation process more efficient than if you had to create the event brand new each time. With the clone feature, you can quickly override any necessary fields, while keeping the rest of the event configurations the same and create many events at once.

In this article

How to clone events

There are two areas in your account that both provide options for cloning events.

From the Event List

Go to Events from the primary navigation menu, and locate the event you wish to clone. Use the clone icon that is found in the event box.

From the Event Details Page

Select the event you wish to clone, either by using the search bar or the event list. The Event Details page has three areas that offer you the option of cloning the event: the left-side Tools menu, the Tools icon bar, and the Actions menu.

When you select the clone event option, you will be presented with a screen that gives you the option to choose between creating a single clone or bulk clones.

Creating a single clone

A single clone is a good choice when you only want to make a single copy of an event. It is most helpful for events that you offer on an infrequent repeating basis
The cloned event will have the same pre-populated fields and configurations as the original event and allow you to override any of the event fields as needed. At the very least you will need to fill in a new date for the event. When you do, all other dates, like an early bird date, if you had one, will automatically adjust relative to your new event start date. This saves you time from manually having to adjust them when you clone a new event.

Creating bulk clones

Bulk cloning is a good choice when you want to make multiple copies of an event. It is most helpful for events that you offer on a frequent repeating basis. Bulk cloning is also a good option when you want to create many events at once, but you want to inherit most or all of the configurations of the original event. Be sure to start with an event that has the configurations as close as possible to what you desire for most or all of your clones. This feature essentially allows you to create events in bulk, and it also allows you to create recurring events quickly.

Bulk cloning provides you with a set of certain fields that you can configure during the cloning process. Select the event fields to override for each clone. This set is limited and only provides the most common and important fields that may need adjustment. All dates, like an early bird date, if you had one, will automatically adjust relative to your new event start dates.

You can add as many clones as you desire by using the "Insert another clone" option. You can also publish each cloned event instantly by checking the "Also publish online" option or just "Save Clone" if you are not ready to publish. Either way, you must save each clone for it to be created.

Tips for cloning events

  • No bulk event edits: When you are creating bulk clones of an event, take care when filling out any data fields or configurations, as editing events in bulk is not available. If you need to make any changes to cloned events after you saved them, you will need to do it per event.
  • Contact info: When you are creating cloned events, be sure to consider the contact information on those events and whose email is associated with receiving new registration emails and such.
  • Event templates: You can create templates for events that you offer regularly, and then clone events from those templates accordingly. Such event templates would normally be unpublished and include the word "template" in the event title for quick and easy searchability in your account.
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