Archive an event

After an event has finished or if you no longer need it to be readily accessible, you have the option to archive it. You can archive any event, regardless if it has any registrations or payment transactions, whereas you can only delete events that have no payment transactions associated with them.

When you archive an event, all of the attendees associated with that event are also archived. Archived events are still always accessible if you need to refer to them for any reason.

When you archive an event, the event becomes unpublished and gets removed from your event portal site (if it is still active). This makes it inaccessible to the public.

Note: You can unarchive and bring back an archived event anytime. If you unarchive an event, it comes back with an unpublished status.

How to archive events

There are two areas in your account that both provide options for archiving events.

From the Event List

Go to Events from the primary navigation menu, and locate the event you wish to archive. Use the archive icon that is found in the event box

From the Event Details Page

Select the event you wish to archive, either by using the search bar or the event list. The Event Details page has three areas that offer you the option of archiving the event: the left-side Tools menu, the Tools icon bar, and the Actions menu.

How to access archived events

To access or bring back an archived event, go to Events from the primary navigation menu, and Filter by Status > Archived. This will show you all of the archived events. 

From there you can take any actions you need using the icon tool bar, such as publish, clone, or unarchive the event.

Note: For your convenience, the same icon is used to archive and unarchive the event. Whenever you select this icon, to archive or unarchive an event, a screen will pop up asking you to confirm this choice.

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