Adding multiple users to an account

Corsizio provides the ability to have multiple users on one account. These users can be designated to have the ability to edit or only view some or all of the account information. Having multiple users and assigning different roles can help with administrative functions and event organization, and the best part is that you are not charged anything extra for additional users.

Alert: As per our Terms of Uselogins and passwords are not to be shared between users. Each user that would like to be part of an organization's account on Corsizio must have their own user login and password and be responsible for their own login activity.

Breakdown of all the user roles available

  • The owner is able to do everything in the account. (If the account owner needs to change, refer to the help doc Changing the owner of an account.)
  • An admin is able to do everything in the account, but not manage the Stripe connection or remove the owner.
  • An editor is able to create and manage content in the account, but not change any account settings or configurations.
  • A facilitator is able to create and manage attendees in the account, but only view and not change any other account or event content.
  • A viewer is only able to view and read all the content in the account, but not edit or do anything else.

Note: Only the account owner or an admin can add users to an account or change their roles. User roles can be updated as needed, and access to the account can be revoked at any time. A user cannot change their own role or revoke their own access. 

How to add users to an account

To add users to your account, follow these steps:
  1. Go to Settings and then select Users List from the left side menu. 

  2. Use the "Invite a new user" option, and input the person's email address and assign them a role. You also have the option to "Hide the financial totals from view for this user". Click on "Send Invite" and repeat for as many users as you need.

How adding users works

When a user is invited to an account, they are sent an email with a link to follow, as shown below:

Note: The invited user must follow the link sent in this email, and not just create their own Corsizio account, in order for their user login to be associated with the account that you granted them access to. Otherwise, they will not be able to see your data or have access to your account.

Management of account users

  • If the invited user has not accepted their invite or has lost their email with the invite, you can always resend them the invite email. Go to the Users List section, locate their invite under "Pending User Invites" and "Resend" their invite.
  • If you changed your mind about giving access to the invited user, you can always revoke the access to cancel the invite. Go to the Users List section, locate their invite under "Pending User Invites" and "Revoke" their invite.

  • If you need to change an account user's role or revoke their access, go to the Users List, locate the user, and Update their access. This will open a window for you to update as required.

Separate and restrict user access by target divisions

When there are many users in an account or multiple teams, departments, or locations, and you want to achieve a better separation of access to data, then you can enable and configure the Target Divisions feature within the account and assign users and events to divisions. Learn more about divisions and how to use them.

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