How to arrange events on the portal site
Every account on Corsizio has an auto-generated event portal site that publicly displays all of the published current and upcoming events associated with that account. By default, all the events are sorted and displayed according to their start date without any grouping, with the most current and upcoming listed first to the future-most events listed last.
You have the option to change the arrangement of how your events are displayed and grouped on the portal site in a few ways using the options provided in the portal site settings, which will be described in this help doc.
Display events based on different layout groupings and sort orders
To change the initial, default list view and provide a filtered view of your events, follow these steps:
- 1
- Go to Settings, then Configurations, and then select Portal Site from the left side menu, and scroll to the Event List Layout Options.
- 2
- Select a different display option to "Override the default initial view and flow of events on the generated portal." The default view shows the event list made up of all of the current and upcoming events by date on your portal site, but you can create a multi-step flow that will control how and which events are displayed to your audience, as they are taken through a flow that filters the events based on selected criteria first. This is most helpful for businesses that have numerous events that may be of different kinds, for different age groups, and at different locations, or other such criteria. For example, you can have the portal site display the full list of categories first, then the list of events after.
- 3
Select a different order option to "Override the default order of the events on the generated portal." The default setting orders events by the start date but you can order them by price or by name instead.
- 4
- Select a grouping option to "Override the default grouping of the events on the generated portal. " The default setting does not group events in any way but you can choose to group them by any available options that you have configured on the account.
- 5
Select a paging limit to "Limit the items for paging the events listed on the generated portal. " The default setting does not put a limit on the number of events that will show on the portal site but you can enable paging and set the limit to the number of events per page.
- 6
When you are finished configuring this area be sure to scroll to the bottom and Save site setup. You can also "View Site" to see how your portal site will look with any of the above changes in place from this area as well.
Practical applications of configuring the initial view and flow of the event list
There are numerous possibilities of how you can group, arrange, and display your events on the portal site so that they filter or show certain events and in a certain order or grouping to your audience. The initial view and flow you create can be as simple or as multi-layered as you need it to be to direct your audience to the events that are specifically suited and available to them. Here are 3 sample scenarios for you to see how this works in practice.
Sample 1: You can guide your audience to the initial view based on a price range that you have indicated for your events, and once they choose the desired price range, they would be shown the available events you have that match it.
- For example, you have events grouped by 3 price ranges: Free, $10-$25, and $50-$100. A person can first select the Free option listed, and then they will see all of the free events available.
Sample 2: You can guide your audience to start the initial view on the locations you have configured on the account, and then guide them to choose a level that is appropriate for them, which will then display the events for the chosen level at the chosen location.
- For example, you have events at 2 different locations and the locations each have different beginner, intermediate, and advanced classes for your audience to choose from. A person can first select their preferred location and second, select their level of choice, and then they see the list of matching events.
Sample 3: You can guide your audience to start the initial view on the categories you have configured on the account, and then guide them to choose a preferred location, and then guide them to choose an age group that is appropriate for them.
- For example, you have different types of dance classes at different locations and each of these locations offers dance classes for different age groups.
How a different initial view or grouping shows to your audience
Initial view and flow
When you override the default event list view on your portal site, your audience will, instead, first see the event filters that they can use to narrow down their search for an event. They can still always skip this filtration flow and just go straight to the whole event list, as seen in the screenshot below.
In the following example, the initial flow starts by showing the audience the event categories.
Then, once an event category is selected for this example, the audience is asked to narrow down their search by level.
After the final selection, the audience is then shown a list of the events offered that match their criteria.
Event list grouping
The following example shows how events that are grouped based on some filter, like categories, will show on the portal site to your audience.