API: Get Events List

Use this API endpoint to query the list of events from the account using multiple query string parameter filters, along with the ability to include additional data that are not normally included by default. Also, you will have the ability to expand certain data types from their ID value to their full data model representation during the parsing of your API request.

GET /events

Query Parameters
Param Type Description
limit Number Limit the results list. Number between 1 and 100. Defaults to 20
page Number Page number to query for and get more results by the limit per page. Defaults to 1
order String Sort order to return the results list in. Can be one of the following: startDate, endDate, or created. For descending order just add - to your choice like -endDate. Defaults to -startDate
status String Restrict the query results to a specific event status. Can be one of the following: any, published, draft, archived, or deleted. Defaults to published
date Date Range Date range to filter query in the form of FROM_DATE:TO_DATE where the date format is YYYY-MM-DD. You can omit either side of the range too. Examples would be: 2017-06-24 or 2017-06-01:2017-06-30 or even just a portion of the date like only a year 2016 or a month range 2016-11:2016-11. You can omit the from date as well to only filter the end dates like :2017-02-18. Dates are inclusive and operate on the "start" and "end" dates of events in UTC time.
price Number Range Used to return the results filtered by a price range in the form of FROM:TO. They must be positive numbers. Examples would be: 50:200 for prices between $50 to $200, :300 for $300 and under, 1000 for $1,000 and over.
category String ID Used to return the results filtered by a specific category ID from account setup.
location String ID Used to return the results filtered by a specific location ID from account setup.
age String ID Used to return the results filtered by a specific age group ID from account setup.
gender String ID Used to return the results filtered by a specific gender ID from account setup.
level String ID Used to return the results filtered by a specific level ID from account setup.
search String Used to return the results filtered on a word found in the name field of events or an exact event ID.
include String List Used to include more data within the results that are normally not provided by default. Can be any of the following: details, filters, stats, config. Separate multiple values with commas.
expand String List Used to expand and populate specific nodes within the results which are usually just IDs to their full data objects. Can be any of the following: filters, instructors, account. Separate multiple values with commas.
Example Request
curl -X GET "https://api.corsizio.com/v1/events?limit=2&page=3" \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_API_SECRET_KEY}"
Example Response
  "type": "events",
  "account": {
    "id": "5255ea833ccc44c65400000d",
    "name": "Example Account",
    "alias": "example",
    "timeZone": "America/Toronto",
    "currency": "usd",
    "siteUrl": "https://example.corsizio.com"
  "paging": {
    "page": 3,
    "limit": 2,
    "count": 2,
    "more": true
  "list": [
      "id": "54b067ecd37fb40000537c90",
      "name": "Foster The Web Conference",
      "startDate": "2015-07-25T18:00:00.000Z",
      "endDate": "2015-07-26T00:00:00.000Z",
      "registrationCloseDate": "2015-07-25T18:00:00.000Z",
      "displayDate": "Saturday, July 25, 2015, 2 - 8 PM (EDT)",
      "timeZone": "America/Toronto",
      "location": "Super Hall, 555 Yonge Street",
      "priceFrom": 200,
      "priceTo": 260,
      "prices": [
          "price": 260,
          "earlyPrice": 200,
          "earlyBefore": "2015-06-22T00:00:00.000Z"
      "currency": "usd",
      "pageUrl": "https://example.corsizio.com/event/54b067ecd37fb40000537c90",
      "formUrl": "https://example.corsizio.com/register/54b067ecd37fb40000537c90",
      "photoUrl": null,
      "mapUrl": "https://www.google.com/maps/place/555+Yonge+Street",
      "mapUrl": "https://www.google.com/maps/place/Super+Hall,+555+Yonge+Street",
      "summary": "Sed eget vehicula ligula. **Mauris porta molestie bibendum.**",
      "summaryHtml": "<p>Sed eget vehicula ligula. <b>Mauris porta molestie bibendum.</b></p>\n",
      "account": "5255ea833ccc44c65400000d"
      "id": "526832d9353c13324d00000e",
      "name": "Show Your Colors Art Class",
      "startDate": "2014-06-28T23:00:00.000Z",
      "endDate": "2014-06-29T02:00:00.000Z",
      "registrationCloseDate": "2014-06-28T23:00:00.000Z",
      "displayDate": "Saturday, June 28, 2014, 7 - 10 PM (EDT)",
      "timeZone": "America/Toronto",
      "location": null,
      "priceFrom": 77,
      "priceTo": 88,
      "prices": [
          "price": 77,
          "label": "Youth Admission"
          "price": 88,
          "label": "Adult Admission"
      "currency": "usd",
      "pageUrl": "https://example.corsizio.com/event/526832d9353c13324d00000e",
      "formUrl": "https://example.corsizio.com/register/526832d9353c13324d00000e",
      "photoUrl": "https://example.corsizio.com/uploads/5255ea833ccc44c65400000d/events/526832d9353c13324d00000e/photo-xJ7u0O4qce.jpg",
      "mapUrl": null,
      "summary": null,
      "summaryHtml": null,
      "account": "5255ea833ccc44c65400000d"
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