Currencies accepted for online payments

Corsizio facilitates event registrations and payments. We are a Canadian company but your attendees can be from different countries or you may choose to use Corsizio's service in another country, in which case several other currencies may be used, as outlined below.

In this article

Corsizio Supported Currencies

If you choose to accept online payments from your attendees, Corsizio currently supports the following currencies:

  • USD — American dollar
  • CAD — Canadian dollar
  • EUR — European euro
  • GBP — British pound
  • AUD — Australian dollar
  • NZD — New Zealand dollar
  • PLN — Polish zloty
  • DDK — Danish krone
  • NOK — Norwegian krone
  • SEK — Swedish krona
  • SGD — Singapore dollar
  • MXN — Mexican peso


If you are only using offline payments on the account and do not plan to accept online payments, then other currencies may be used. 

Setting a Currency for Your Corsizio Account

As a Corsizio user, you can create one or more accounts under your user login. Each account can only be set to one currency. This means that every event within that account will have the same currency. This also means that anyone in the world can register and pay for one of your events, but they cannot choose to use their own currency if they do not wish to pay in the currency set for the event. Therefore, there would be a conversion on the customer's side and the event organizer receives the funds in the currency they set for their account.

To set a currency for your account, go to your account Settings, and then select Payment Settings from the left side menu. Here you are given the option to set the currency for this account, as well as configure any other payment information.

Multiple Currency Options for Events

If you offer events in different countries and need to offer event registrations with the country's associated currency, you need to create multiple accounts (within the same Corsizio login), each representing a specific currency. This allows you to collect payment from your attendees in each different country or for each group of events in that specific currency.


If you offer events in Canada and the United States, you would set up two accounts within your Corsizio user login: one for Canadian events in Canadian dollars and the other for US events in US dollars.

To create a new account, visit your account navigation in the top right-hand corner and select "Create Another New Account." Then, configure this account with the different currency of your choice.

If, on the other hand, you would like to have the same event provide your attendees with a choice of different currencies to pay in, this is not possible as part of the same account, as each account can only be associated with one currency. You can, however, still make this work using multiple accounts, as shared above, by creating the same event in multiple accounts, and then assigning each version of it a different currency. You would then feature each currency's event link on your own website or send the appropriate currency event link to your audience. However, please note that this will not combine all of the attendee and financial data for this single event together, as you cannot manage a single event between multiple accounts.

Note that your Stripe account will do a currency conversion to the funds paid if they differ from your bank account's currency. For more information read their help doc about Currency conversions.

Currencies for Your Payouts

Depending on the country where you are based, you can receive payouts to associated bank accounts in different currencies. For example, if you are in Canada, you can accept funds in both CAD and USD. Most accounts based in Europe can accept the following 6 currencies: EUR, GBP, USD, DKK, CHF, NOK, SEK.

For full details about currencies supported in your country and any associated conversion fees, please see Stripe's documentation about supported currencies.

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