Adding images and videos to event pages

When you are creating or editing your event, you have the option to include an event cover image or video that will be featured on the public event page. This will enhance the visual appeal of your event when it is seen as part of your auto-generated portal site, the event page, or embedded card on your website.

In this article

How to add an event cover photo or video

To add a cover photo and/or a video overlay, follow these steps:
When you finish the 5-step event creation process, you are presented with the  Event Details page, which has the event photo/video area. You can also navigate to the Event Details page anytime by selecting the event you wish to edit from the list of events in the  Events menu. 
Scroll down, below the event stats, where you will find the content of the event and its other configurations, including a section for the event cover photo and video, as shown below:

  • To add a cover photo, use the Upload option and select the image file from your computer. The image file must be in one of the following formats with a matching file extension: JPG, PNG, GIF, or SVG.
  • To add a cover video, use the Video Overlay option and paste the HTML video embed code from YouTube, Vimeo, or a similar service that provides an IFRAME format. If you are using a YouTube video, you can just paste the video's URL address.

Cover photo and video tips

  • A cover photo does not require a video, but a video can benefit from also having a cover photo uploaded, which will provide a visual background for the embedded video.
  • If you need to remove or change the cover photo, you can completely delete it or upload another one to replace it.
  • If you need to remove or change the cover video, select it and clear the embed text field to delete it or replace the code with a new one and save.
  • For better results, the event cover photo should have dimensions of 1200 pixels in width and 600 pixels in height. Keep the focal point in the center of the image if it matters, as it will be displayed inside a bounding box on different screen sizes with the top and bottom of the image clipped as needed. (Please carefully read the 'How cover photos are displayed' section below.)
  • If you experience color degradation (like whites becoming gray) after uploading your photo, it may be because you are using a very large image with large dimensions or resolution. Try to resize your image first to have a resolution of around 1200 pixels wide at 72dpi or 96dpi in resolution as a PNG or JPG format, and that will prevent the skewing of whites/colors as our servers compress the image to be optimized for web use with smaller file size.

How cover photos are displayed

PRIMARY DISPLAY: The event cover photo is primarily meant for the event detail page, and the dimension tips are strictly meant for better results on the event page only.

SECONDARY DISPLAYS: Parts of the event cover photo will also show on the event portal list view and embed cards based on their perspective settings and limitations. These areas offer a cropped preview and a general sense of the event image, which will be fully visible once the person opens the actual event page.

ALERT: These secondary areas have small and dynamically changing dimensions depending on the device screen size they are viewed on, so the event cover photo will be cropped or trimmed in these areas accordingly, and it is not something that can be controlled. You cannot depend on these secondary spots to display the complete event cover photo; only the event details page will show the full image.

On secondary displays, these event cover photos are rendered within a bounding box with a specific width and height as a container. If the image is not wide or tall enough to fit the entire width and height of the bounding box, then it gets stretched or clipped, which also causes the width or height of the image to stretch or be clipped to keep its proportion and fit inside the box. Images that are too small may get pixelated when stretched or cut off if too big on smaller devices.

Therefore, it is best to upload a photograph that sets the mood of the event and does not have any text or other desired elements in a specific position added to it, as it will get cut off. The center of the image is normally visible, so placing the focal point of the image in its center is recommended. Any text that you want to share with your audience should be part of the event description field that you fill out as part of Step 3 — Description & Content for the event and not the event cover photo itself. A small statement or a few words in the center of the image may work if needed, but generally, text on cover photos does not.

NOTE: If you do NOT want the event cover photo previews to show up on the event portal list view, you may disable that from the Portal Site settings within the account.

Text on Cover Photos

If you must put text on an event cover photo, you can use the image template below as a guide to center it accordingly. The center focal area is where text could be added to your image when you use an image of 1200×600 pixels. Leave 120px from top and bottom and 220px from left and right where the image is visible but no text is overlayed on top of it. You may right-click on the image below and download it to your computer for reference.

Add other images and videos on event pages

Aside from the option of having a single event cover photo or video as part of the event page, you can also add multiple images and video embeds to the Event Description area as part of Step 3 — Description & Content.
Refer to the help doc  Attaching or adding links to external files to learn more about adding links within the event description to other external images, videos, and web resources that are hosted externally.
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