Attaching or adding links to external files and images

Many text box areas in Corsizio allow you to format the content using a simple rich-text Editor or using Markdown formatting and basic HTML. These major content areas include:

When you need to show or attach a file to any of the above-mentioned text areas, such as images, videos, or documents, you can do so using links to external files hosted on other public document storage services, like Google Drive, Dropbox, iCloud, Cloudup, your own website's file storage, or any other cloud storage service that allows you to host a file and get a public link to it. Most of the time, just having a link to the external resource on the web is sufficient enough for a user to navigate to it.

Note: Corsizio does not host files like PDFs, images, videos, or other documents on its platform, but you have complete flexibility to link to any document or web page accessible publicly on the internet. Some file hosting services will even provide a unique URL to your document that only someone who has the URL would be able to access.

Text link

To link to a webpage, an image, a video page, or another file, like a document, then all you need is its URL, and use the rich-text Editor or basic HTML in Code view to insert the link to the final destination in your desired text area. You may create links to anything on the web. Like articles, hosted video or audio, and social media pages.

It is easiest to use the "link" icon from the Editor toolbar, but if that is not available for the text field, you may be able to use the Markdown format as in the following example:

[My Link Text](

Important note: There must not be any spaces between the first set of brackets [...] and the second set of brackets (...) to create a valid link in Markdown.

Image embed

To embed an image and have it show directly in the desired text area, you need the image to be hosted through a third-party file storage hosting service or on your own website file storage, and make sure that it is publicly available on the Internet. Then, use its direct image source URL address in the rich-text Editor or use simple HTML in Code view to insert the image in your desired text area.

It is easier to use the simple rich-text Editor, but if you need or must use the HTML format in the Code view, below is an example (allowed only in some areas):

<img src="" alt="Image Title">

Copy the code exactly as you see it above into the Code view, and replace the example URL above with your specific image URL. Replace the words "Image Title" with the title of your image. The image title is for SEO purposes for you and will not be visible to your audience.

IMPORTANT: You must use a properly hosted image URL from a web file storage service. The link you get from the service, and although it may look like a link to the image, it may actually link to the address of the non-embeddable page that frames the image or invites people to log in or sign up for the service. That is obviously not the raw source image location. Other services may provide a dedicated URL to the image raw source, and you will need to explore their tools.

IMPORTANT: The external service can change their hosted URLs or permissions to files at any time, and your embedded images would break to render on any web page. This is outside of the scope of Corsizio, and it would be best to use your own website file storage or just link to the image destination location using a simple text link without embedding it.

Video iframe embed

To add a video iframe embed, and have it show directly in the desired text area, you need the video to be hosted on YouTube or a similar video hosting service and use their HTML IFRAME embed codes in the Code view of the content box. Be sure to have a blank line above and below your embed code. It is also possible to insert a video using the Editor's toolbar "video" icon using just the URL of a YouTube video. This makes it faster and easier to embed a video inside the event description content area.

Other link additions

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