Attendee Check-In Page and QR Codes

Corsizio provides you with the ability to have a check-in process for attendees at your event. This is especially helpful for large events, where you need to automate and speed up the process of taking attendance and whenever you need to keep official track of who attended your event.

How Does the Event Check-In Work

The check-in feature is automatically enabled on all Corsizio accounts and present on all event confirmation and reminder emails that get sent out to your attendees. You will find all the information related to it by going to Settings > Configurations > Check-In Page in your Corsizio account.

You can choose to use it anytime for your events or not use it and just disregard the QR codes on the emails. However, if you would like to disable this feature from your account and not have the check-in QR code show up on any of those emails, then you would just uncheck the box for it. This feature can only be enabled or disabled for the entire account and not for each event individually.

Every confirmation and reminder email that your attendees receive will have a check-in QR code near the bottom that you can scan or enter using the Check-In Page. This check-in page is a purely web-based application that can be opened on any device and on any modern web browser; there is nothing to download or install.

Scan or manually enter the QR check-in code on the Corsizio Check-In Page, as seen below:

The  Check-In Page requires an authorization code to log into it and start checking in attendees on location. This provides you with a secure way to enable any mobile or stationary public or private device to become your check-in station. You can access the check-in page to get authorization codes from the Settings, by going to Configurations and selecting Check-In Page.

Authorization Codes for Check-In

You can generate fresh authorization codes whenever you need to allow a web browser on any device to accept check-ins from attendees. Use one of the authorization codes generated to allow a person to authorize a device and use the Check-In Page. This allows the authorized device to only accept check-ins on behalf of this account, and nothing else.

These access codes expire 30 days after creation to prevent ongoing use of the same code, but you may use the code as many times and on as many devices as you need during its lifetime. Code generation is limited to a maximum of 10 codes at any given time. You usually only need one, unless it is expiring soon and you would like to generate a fresh one to use or share.

Event Check-In On Location

To start checking in attendees on location at your event, or have them check-in themselves, follow these steps:

  1. Have available at least one mobile device, like a smartphone or tablet, or a laptop that is connected to the Internet.
  2. Go to the check-in page address —
  3. Enter an authorization code from your account.

  4. You can now proceed with the check-in process either by scanning the QR code or entering the check-in code manually. You can alternate between these two methods as much as you need or like.

  5. After a person is checked in, the check-in page will reset itself within a few seconds to accept the next check-in, or you can simply initiate the next check-in by clicking "Okay" on the successfully checked in screen, as seen above.

Important Notes

  • Only the latest web browser versions of Chrome, Firefox, and Safari are supported for this check-in feature. On Apple mobile devices, only Safari can use the camera to scan QR codes due to restrictions by Apple.
  • During the check-in process, personal information is not displayed anywhere on any of the check-in screens. This is intentional to maintain the highest and strictest data security compliance.
  • When a person is checked-in, they are automatically marked as "Attended". This is reflected in their registration panel and also visible to you in that event's attendees list.
  • Check-in codes will only be valid to be used on the day of the event. The system uses the event's start day or any of its breakdown start days configured on it.
  • The same check-in code cannot be used more than once within the same day unless you manually mark them back to not "Attended" on their registration. It can, however, be used more than once on different days according to the event's breakdown dates if configured, as may be needed for multi-session events. Every check-in is recorded in the attendee activity log.
  • Check-in codes can also be used to search for an attendee or the associated registration in your account's search bar. Just be sure to enter the code using capitals for the letters in the code. It must be entered exactly as shown in the confirmation receipt email.

ALERT: Never log into your Corsizio account and leave it open on a device that you are going to make available to the public. For example, if you set up a laptop station to have attendees check-in themselves or if you have event helpers doing the check-in for you. The authorization codes are there for a purpose, to keep your account and data safe and secure. Authorize a check-in page only on any device that you will give access to others, and make sure that you are not logged into your Corsizio account on that shared device.


If the QR code is not scanning:

  • The QR code may be too small and may need to be enlarged on the registrant's device.
  • The registrant's mobile device screen may be too dim/dark for the code to be picked up. Ask them to increase the level of brightness on their device.

If the check-in code is not valid:

  • The code may already be associated with a check-in and may be being misused.
  • The code may have been read or written down incorrectly. Ask the attendee to refer back to their email confirmation receipt. If this is not possible, check them in manually by logging into your Corsizio account and mark them as attended.
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