Sending event reminders
If you would like to remind registrants about your upcoming event that they are registered for, you can have Corsizio send them an automated event reminder. You can choose the number of days prior to the event start date when you want the system to send out the reminder email to all registrants.
How to send event reminders
To send an automated event reminder for a specific event, follow these steps:
- 1
- Go to Step 5 – Filters & Settings when you are creating or editing the event that you would like to have an event reminder.
- 2
Turn on "Send reminders automatically by email to all attendees a number of hours or days prior to the start date" to enable this feature and select when this email should be sent from the dropdown menu.
- 3
- When you have finished configuring this step, Save & Exit.
Note: You can only configure the automated event reminder email once per event. It is not possible to have it go out at two or more different times prior to the event. However, if you update this setting later again, then it will reset and get triggered according to the new setting even if the reminders have already been previously sent.
How event reminder emails look like
Here is a section of what an event reminder email will look like for your registrants:
You can always preview what the full email will look like by going to the registration panel of anyone in that event and under the top-right Actions menu, select "Preview reminder email."
Other messaging options
- If you would like to message some or all registrants in one of your events for another reason related to the event, you may wish to use the memos feature.
- If you would like to notify your event registrants about some important general information related to an event, you may wish to use the custom message option on email receipts and reminders.
- If you would like to remind registrants about any outstanding payment for an event, you may wish to use the payment request feature.