Account terminology labels and language

Corsizio fully operates in the English language. If you are targeting event attendees outside of English-speaking countries, we provide you with the ability to customize some of your account terminology, including some translation in different languages. These will also be reflected on public-facing pages, which include your portal site, event pages, registration forms, emails, feedback form, and the attendee self-serve page. 

Terminology Labels

You can override and change certain terms for the entire account so that you can display labels with the terminology that is most appropriate to your needs. These include the words that represent the Event, Instructor, Attendee, and Register/Registration.

Current terminology options

  • "Event" may be changed to Class, Course, Lesson, Training, Session, Workshop, Conference, Program, Meeting, Tour, or Trip.
  • "Instructor" may be changed to Facilitator, Teacher, Coach, Trainer, Tutor, Guide, Presenter, Speaker, Leader, Director, or Host.
  • "Attendee" may be changed to Participant, Student, Applicant, Learner, Player, or Guest.
  • "Register/Registration" may be changed to Enroll/Enrollment, Book/Booking, Sign Up/Signup, or Apply/Application.
To change a specific label, follow these steps:
  1. Go to Settings, then Configurations, and then select Terminology from the left side menu. 
  2. Use the "Choose" dropdown menu for each label that you would like to change. 
  3. When you have finished making changes, Save terminology labels before leaving this section.

Localization and Translation of Public Pages and Emails

If you are targeting event attendees outside of English-speaking countries, Corsizio currently provides translations of the customer user interface in French, Spanish, Italian, German, and Dutch. These translations apply to all of the system labels and text that are displayed on all event public pages and emails exposed to attendees

Please note:

  • This option does not translate the internal application, as our system and support are all in English. 
  • You always have the ability to write your entire event summary and description in another language.
  • The localization of public pages also changes the date and time format to match that of the specific locale.

You also have the ability to modify the localization of a specific event independently from the account localization setting. You will find that option under that event's configuration in Step 1 of its edit or creation form.

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