Erase personal data from Corsizio

At Corsizio, we are committed to ensuring that your data is safe, secure, and within your control. We are also committed to abiding by the strictest laws and regulations that govern personal privacy, like Canada's PIPEDA and Europe's GDPR. By having an account with Corsizio you are a data subject, and if you accept any event registrations you are also a data controller

As a data subject, you have certain rights when it comes to your personal data, including:

  • Know what data is collected and how your data is used (see our privacy statement and data processing addendum)
  • Have the ability to edit your data (see settings within your Corsizio account)
  • Have the ability to erase your data (covered in this help doc)

As a data controller, you have certain responsibilities when it comes to what data you collect from your attendees and how you use it. Learn more by reading our help doc: Erase personal data from registrations.

Deleting an Account vs. Deleting a User Login

When you sign up to Corsizio, you get a user login and gain access to use Corsizio. With a user login, you can create one or more accounts within Corsizio. For example, if you have one business, typically you would have one account. If you run events for three different departments of your company, you may need to have three accounts within your user login.
If you want to or need to delete one or more of your Corsizio accounts, and all the data associated with them, you have this option available to you in the Settings section of the account. In the left side menu, under Danger Zone, you will find the option to Delete this Account.
If, however, you would like to stop using Corsizio altogether, and not only delete your account(s) but your entire user login and all data associated with it, you also have this option available to you in that same section. Within Settings, in the left side menu Danger Zone, you will find the option to Delete my User Login.

The latter option will erase all your personally identifiable data, as part of your right to be forgotten, assuming there is no legitimate interest in retaining the data, such as but not limited to, tax regulations or any civil claims. 

Deletion is Irreversible

Please be aware that both of these actions — delete account and delete user login — are permanent and NOT reversible. This means that you cannot get back access to your account or any event, attendee, financial and other data associated with it. Please exercise extreme caution if you wish to act on either of these options.
However, please also know that we encourage you to delete any events or accounts that you no longer need, as part of keeping your account clean and minimizing any unnecessary data retention.
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