Events with pricing add-ons

If you need or would like to offer your attendees additional items when they register for your events, you can do this with the add-on feature. This feature can be used to sell something related to your event when your customers are registering, or it can be used if you need to charge any additional fees on top of the event price. Add-ons are configured specifically for each event and do not apply account-wide across multiple events. You can make each add-on be optional or required for your customers, and enable or disable it anytime, and add-ons can have fixed or variable price amounts.

In this article

Examples of add-ons

  • Resource materials, such as books, manuals, or DVDs.
  • Tools and props, such as a yoga mat, paint set, or clay.
  • Hospitality items, such as meals or accommodations.
  • Additional services, such as personal coaching or massage sessions.
  • Service fees, such as online payment service fees, administrative fees, or membership fees.
  • Gratuities, where the person can gift any amount they choose on top of the event price.

How to use add-ons

To enable add-ons for a specific event, follow these steps:

Go to Step 2 – Pricing & Payment when you are creating or editing the event that you want to offer an add-on for.
Turn on the "Include add-ons on top of the above cost". You can enable or disable add-ons on an event at any time.

For each "Add-on item" selected, fill in the add-on label and price, and configure any additional attributes as shown in the subsequent steps. You can disable individual add-ons from showing on the registration form at any time.

Check the box "Make this add-on required" if the specific add-on is a mandatory part of the event cost.

Check the box "Allow the entry of a variable amount as the add-on price" if you would like your registrants to offer some extra amount as part of their registration. You must still enter a price, which will be used as the lowest acceptable amount that can be entered by the registrant for this add-on.

Check the box "Allow discounts to apply to this add-on" if you would like to allow coupons or volume discounts that have been configured on the event to also apply to any specific add-on and reduce its price accordingly. Otherwise, such discounts will not be applied to the add-on but only to the event price. Note that this cannot be combined with the variable amount entry option, as shown on the screenshot above in #5.

Click on "Show additional options" to provide an optional short description of your add-on that will tell your customers more about this add-on, and to access other add-on configurations.

Check the box "Limit the total available units for this add-on" if you have a limited quantity of the add-on available. This will prevent the total number of units sold from going over your available inventory based on the limit you set.

Check the box "Allow the entry of a quantity for this add-on" if you would like to give your customers the option to choose how many units of the add-on that they would like to purchase during their registration. Leave the Quantity Limit box blank if customers can buy unlimited units up to the total available limit you set or set a quantity limit to control the maximum number of units that can be purchased per registration. The limit you can set, as described above in #8, and the quantity you set, as described in #9, can be used independently of each other.

When you are finished configuring this step be sure to Save & Exit, or proceed to the next step.

Note: You can also create custom add-ons for select attendees after they have registered for your event. Whether you have enabled add-ons on an event or not, there may be an item that specifically applies to or is desired by a particular attendee. By modifying the payment on their registration information panel, you can insert a custom add-on and send them an updated receipt.

How other pricing features impact add-ons

  • Multiple Price Categories: You can enable both, multiple price categories and add-ons for an event. The add-ons apply to all pricing categories the same way.
  • Early Bird: You can enable both early-bird pricing and add-ons for an event. The two features do not impact each other, as the early-bird price only applies to the event price and not any add-ons.
  • Coupons: You can enable both coupons and add-ons for an event. Coupon discounts only apply to the price of the event and any add-ons you allow to be discountable.
  • Volume Discounts: You can enable both volume discounts and add-ons for an event. Volume discounts only apply to the price of the event and any add-ons you allow to be discountable.
  • Taxes: You can turn taxes on or off for an event that includes add-ons. However, if you are using add-ons you cannot have taxes apply to some but not other parts of the registration prices. Taxes always apply to the total amount due when taxes are turned on for the event.

How add-ons are displayed

When a person registers to one of your events that has any add-ons enabled, they will be presented with this information as follows:

On the event page

In addition to what you write about any event add-ons in the event description, an automatic label will show up below the price to inform your customers that the event has available add-ons.

On the registration form

The registration form will present your customer with a list of any Available Add-ons under Price Details. Required add-ons will be automatically selected, whereas optional add-ons will be unchecked unless your customer selects them. If you configured your event to allow your customers to purchase multiple units of any available add-ons, then these will show up for your customers with quantity selectors.

On the confirmation receipt email

The receipt will provide your customer with a price breakdown that clearly lists each add-on and its price.

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