Notification emails for instructors

In addition to the different notification emails that your attendees can receive, Corsizio account users and as well as non-account users who may be event instructors can also receive a variety of notification emails that are pertinent to their events. Notifications can help you and your instructors stay informed about event registrations unless you receive a high volume of registrations per day and want to avoid receiving too many emails or if you are an account-user and prefer to log into your account to monitor the event registration status.

Instructors can receive the following notifications related to their events:

  • Notifications for new registrations
  • Notifications for payments received (This is applicable only if you offer attendees a partial payment option or "pay later" option by accepting both online and offline payments, where the full payment does not take place during the registration transaction.)
  • Notifications for feedback received
  • Notifications for canceled registrations (This is applicable only if you enabled the attendee self-serve page and allow your attendees to cancel their own registrations.)

Note: You must have notifications enabled for the event in order to receive the above notifications.

How to enable notifications for events

To have instructors receive notifications of new registrations and new feedback submissions, follow these steps:


Go to  Step 5 – Filters & Settings when you are creating or editing the event for which you want instructors to receive notifications.

Turn on "Receive notification emails for every new registration or feedback submission" to enable this feature.
Next, use the "Select / change recipients" option to assign who you want to receive these emails. This will open up a window that provides you with all of the account users and instructors who are configured on the account for you to choose from. You can select as many recipients as you need and even include "others" who may need to receive these notifications yet are not listed.

Refer to the help doc Adding multiple users to an account and the help doc Adding instructor bios if you have not yet set up these on your account to have their names and email addresses readily accessible for the selected recipient option described above.
Finalize this action by using the Apply button and then Save & Exit the event configuration.
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